The Clash of the Titans Blog

Entries in GDP (19)


Q3 GDP Growth of +1.0%

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Third quarter GDP growth is estimated to have been +1.0% on the previous quarter, an incredible turnaround from the previous three quarters of negative growth that has been largely attributed to the effect of the Olympics on the economy.

All three professors in the Clash of the Titans competition predicted lower, but still positive, growth this past quarter, with Professor Pesaran from Cambridge the closest at +0.7%.  This means he closes the gap slightly with our current leader, Professor Muellbauer from Oxford, but short of a major surprise it is probably too little too late.

The unexpectedly positive result had a major effect on our public competition, however, with long-term leader Siva Sabaratnam deposed by Peter Henderson (you can see full listings here).  With only the third quarter unemployment figures to go before the end of the contest, it is extremely close at the top!

Those final unemployment numbers are due on the 14th November.

Tickets for the next Clash of the Titans event, to be held on the 4th December, are now available here.