The Clash of the Titans Blog


Interest Rates Stay At 0.5%

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Last week the Bank of England announced that the official Bank Rate would remain at 0.5% in September, the final month of the third quarter. With growth still weak, this comes as no surprise. Even back in December of last year, 80% of our forecasters were correct in thinking that interest rates would remain at their record low all year.

All three professors in the official Clash of the Titans competition said that rates would remain at 0.5%, so there has been no change in their standings.  Among the general public, 6.6% of our respondants thought that interest rates would be lower by now, while 13.7% thought they would have risen (with the highest prediction being 4% this quarter).

There are no new releases until the 29th September now, when the final estimate of Q2 GDP is announced.  That figure has so far been revised up from -0.7% to -0.5%, and it is possible that there may be a further upwards revision.

Tickets for the next Clash of the Titans event, to be held on the 4th December, are now available here.  Please note that Super Early Bird Tickets (costing £15) are only available until Tuesday 11th September.

« Inflation Falls to 2.3% | GDP Revised Up By 0.2% »

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