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Vol. 35 No. 4


Winter 2005

In this issue:

  • Some 'Worldly Wisdom' - Damon de Laszlo
  • The Economic Basis of the Strange Death of Moral Britain - Christie Davies
  • A Liberal Democrat's View of the Nation's Finances - Vincent Cable MP
  • Visas into the UK and the Issue of British Passports to New Citizens - Brian Lewis
  • Capitalism, a Positive Moral Force? - Robert McGarvey
  • Book Reviews: Froude Today; Money for Nothing.


Vol. 35 No. 3


Autumn 2005

In this issue:

  • What is the Future for Corporate Britain? - Patience Wheatcroft
  • China and India - Lee Kuan Yew
  • Oil Prices and Inflation - Damon de Laszlo
  • How Nelson Saved the World - Russell Lewis
  • Swindles and Perversions - Peter Davison


Vol. 35 No. 2


Summer 2005

In this issue:

  • A Critical History of Economics - John Mills
  • Flat Taxes: The Case for Radical Tax Reform - John Chown
  • Economies and US Equities - Damon de Laszlo
  • The Ethics of Free Market Capitalism - Robert McGarvey
  • Money Problems in China and Japan
  • Bad for Business?
  • Book Review: Fool's Gold.


Vol. 35 No. 1


Spring 2005

In this issue:

  • The Return of Stagflation: Back to the 1970s? - Joachim Fels
  • Impending Elections: US and UK - Sir Robert Worcester
  • The Energy Debate - Dan Lewis
  • The Role of Fear in Politics and in the Economy - David Fifield
  • Memories of Edward Holloway - Jim Bourlet
  • Some Thoughts on the Legal Position of International Citizens - Brian Lewis


Vol. 34 No. 4


Winter 2004

In this issue:

  • Culture and Communications in the 21st Century: An Oxymoron? - Dame Patricia Hodgson
  • The Effects of Public Spending and Taxes on Economic Growth - David B. Smith
  • The Lazy French - Russell Lewis
  • Dangers in Derivatives - Nick Leeson
  • The Knowledge Economy - Robert McGarvey
  • China's Population Policy - Jim Bourlet
  • Book Review: Everlasting Light Bulbs.


Vol. 34 No. 3


Autumn 2004

In this issue:

  • Perma-Bulls, Perma-Bears and Bear-Bulls: This Time It's Different - Brian Reading
  • The Decline of the Public Service Ethos - Theodore Dalrymple
  • The Politics of 'Political Economy' - Robert McGarvey
  • Book Review: Adventure Capitalist.

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