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Vol. 41 No. 4


Winter 2011/12

In this issue:

  • Public Sector Pensions, Michael Johnson
  • Are We Using a Sensible Measure of Inflation? Chris Meakin
  • The Outlook for the Housing Market and the Implications for the Wider Economy, James Wyatt
  • How Can Demand Be Less Than Supply? Michael Reiss
  • The Exchange Rate - Too High for Too Long? John Mills
  • The Perils of Conservatism, Robert McGarvey
  • The Reluctant Empire, David Mahon

Vol. 41 No. 3


Autumn 2011

In this issue:

  • Political Economy and the Crisis, Steve Baker MP
  • Until We Return, Stewart Newton
  • Sheer Incredulity, Kishore Mahbubani
  • Discrediting Democracy, Damon de Laszlo
  • The Triffin Dilemma Today, Adam Baldwin
  • Book Reviews: What Went Wrong With Economics; Back from the Brink; The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism; Boombustology.

Vol. 41 No. 2


Summer 2011

In this issue: 

  • The Shift in Global Economic Power by 2050, John Hawksworth
  • The Rescue of British Leyland: Its Impact on Today's UK Motor Industry, Garel Rhys
  • Energy, Energy, Damon de Laszlo
  • The Rise of the 'Service' Economy, Robert McGarvey
  • Book Review: Japan

Vol. 41 No. 1


Spring 2011

In this issue: 

  • The Economic Outlook for 2011, Andrew Smith
  • David Cameron's Call for New Entrepreneurs, Jim Bourlet
  • Another Oil Bubble Brewing? Robert McGarvey
  • Britain, Switzerland, Glencore - and the EU, Peregrine Arkwright
  • The Impact of Unemployed Young Men in the West and of Chinese Super-Bureaucrats in the East, Damon de Laszlo
  • Straight Thinking About Nuclear Power, Christopher Meakin
  • Book Reviews: Keynes - The Return of the Master; Don't Be Fooled Again.

Vol. 40 No. 4


Winter 2010/11

In this issue:

  • A View from Private Equity, Jamie Constable
  • The Future of Europe and the Eurozone - A Panel Discussion, John Stevens, John Peet, Norman Lamont
  • Economies on the Mend, Damon de Laszlo
  • The Debt, the Deficit and the Future of the Public Sector, Mark Littlewood
  • Book Reviews: Losing Control - The Emerging Threats to Western Prosperity; Globalisation Fracture - How Major Nations' Interests are Now in Conflict.

Vol. 40 No. 3


Autumn 2010

In this issue:

  • The Future of Corporate Britain, Patience Wheatcroft
  • Silos and Silence - How the Fragmentation of Finance Created the Crisis, Gillian Tett
  • Is the Coalition Consolidating Gordon Brown's State Power Grab? David B. Smith
  • Present Trends: Good for (some) Shares, Poor for Bonds - and Unhappy for the Unemployed, Damon de Laszlo
  • More Producers Needed, Peter Warburton & Joanna Davies