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Vol. 01 No. 2


Mar/Apr 1971

In this issue:

  • Sterling and the EEC
  • The Fishermen of England
  • Sugar Supplies and the EEC
  • British Regional Policy
  • Open Seas Forum - Report on the Banana Trade
  • The Immigration Bill
  • UK A Depressed Area?
  • Common Market Merry-go-round


Vol. 01 No. 1


Jan/Feb 1971

In this issue:

  • Introducing - Britain and Overseas
  • Message from the High Commissioner of New Zealand
  • Britain's Overseas Trade
  • Federal Budget System Adopted by the EEC
  • The Commonwealth Sugar Agreement
  • Common European Currency
  • Whose Indian Ocean?
  • Free Trade Treaty Proposal
  • A Call for a Free Trade Initiative
  • A Unique Institution
  • Singapore: A Second Colombo?

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