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Vol. 37 No. 2


Summer 2007

In this issue:

  • Skills and the British Economy - Lord Digby Jones
  • It's the Silly Season - Damon de Laszlo
  • Customer Equity: A Corporate Asset? - Robert McGarvey
  • Book Reviews: The Origin of Wealth; Yo Blair!; Fantasy Island.


Vol. 37 No. 1


Spring 2007

In this issue:

  • Britain's £1.2 Trillion Personal Debt Mountain: Crisis or Scare Story? - Vincent Cable MP, Mark Hoban MP, Martin Lewis and Phil Tinsley
  • Does Britain have Regional Justice, or Injustice, in its Government Spending and Taxation? - David B. Smith
  • Economists Don't Understand the Economy (but they can tell you something about the world) - Tim Harford
  • The Stern Review: the Start, not the End, of the Debate - Dan Lewis
  • Book Review: The Tao of Warren Buffett

Vol. 36 No. 4


Winter 2006

In this issue:

  • 'Minority Reports' on the UK Economic Outlook - Peter Warburton
  • The British and American Economies - Irwin Stelzer
  • Adam Smith's Relevance Today - Dr Eamonn Butler
  • Globalization's Unequal Discontents - William Overholt
  • 2007: Probably as Benign as 2006 - Damon de Laszlo

Vol. 36 No. 3


Autumn 2006

In this issue:

  • The Bank that Forgot Money - Brian Reading
  • Housing Policy for the 21st Century - Nicholas Boles
  • Business and Investment for 2007 - Damon de Laszlo
  • Energy Security is the Greatest Worry, not Climate Change - Dan Lewis
  • Book Reviews: Lions, Donkeys and Dinosaurs; Disappearing Britain: the EU and the Death of Local Government; The Hare & The Tortoise: An Informal Guide to Business Strategy.


Vol. 36 No. 2


Summer 2006

In this issue:

  • Markets and the Law of Unintended Consequences - Philip Coggan
  • From Here to Mediocrity? - David Smith
  • Market Nerves - Damon de Laszlo
  • A New Era for Mergers and Acquisitions - Robert McGarvey
  • Full Ahead Together - Ian Baird


Vol. 36 No. 1


Spring 2006

In this issue:

  • UK Housing Economics in the 21st Century - Kate Barker
  • What Price Congestion? - Stephen Glaister
  • Britain! And Overseas? - Damon de Laszlo
  • International Politics and Expatriates: An Opportunity in Need of a Solution - Brian Lewis
  • Congestion Charging: Some Second Thoughts - Jim Bourlet
  • Book Review: The Strange Death of Moral Britain

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