Daberiam Reports Archive
Bi-monthly strategic overviews of what's driving change in the global economy, as described by the ERC's Chairman, Damon de Laszlo.

Daberiam: Second series, No.4

My cautious optimism of last December has been on a roller-coaster ride ever since. The feelings expressed by people who had met Trump, that while he was a maverick he was open to argument, have been undermined by a visit to Washington DC two weeks ago, just before his executive order refusing entry to a rather arbitrary selection of Middle Eastern countries’ nationals. The general feeling, for obvious reasons, ...

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DABERIAM : Second Series, No.3

Since putting pen to paper in October, we seem to have been experiencing a world that goes around in circles. The votes on Brexit, the Americans electing Trump and now the Italian elections, all express an acute dissatisfaction with the status quo. Austria produced a near miss and could have elected an “alternative” government from the far right. As we go into next year...

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DABERIAM Second Series, No. 2

Nothing much has changed since September, except that more of the same means we continue to sleepwalk towards a crisis. The Brexit debate is polarised in the UK between those who are trying to derail the process – The Remainers; and those that believe that Brexit must go ahead in order to fulfil the obligations of the referendum. In Europe, Chancellor Angela Merkel is taking the intransigent line that there can be no discussion until Article 50 is triggered and, we are told, is instructing officials to avoid any “backdoor contacts”. This political stance can only be driven by political considerations. The Chancellor, who has shown

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The Brexit vote, nearly three months ago, is still causing a massive amount of noise and fury. There is very little information to back up the doom and gloom and disaster forecast by Cameron, Osborne, Carney and the rest. While the pound is down...

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We can now say that June 23rd is a seminal moment in Great Britain’s history. The outcome of the referendum was unexpected and extraordinary...

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