Daberiam Reports Archive
Bi-monthly strategic overviews of what's driving change in the global economy, as described by the ERC's Chairman, Damon de Laszlo.

Entries in Debt (11)



In August I thought we were in for a bumpy ride! To extend the analogy, the bumps arrived towards the end of September and in October they turned vicious...

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My last note mentioned the Ukraine situation as being exceedingly dangerous. The country dissolved into chaos that had partly come about as a result of the EU offering to let them join, and then encouraging dissent when the President had vetoed the idea...

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It seems a long time since October when the US government decided to frighten the world’s financial systems by taking party political bickering to within a whisker of causing the government to default. The pantomime passed and the curtain came down but the lasting impression left on thinking people in the rest of the world is that the US system of Government is dangerously dysfunctional...

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ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is the phrase that comes to mind to describe the markets in general. For some time it must have been clear to most relatively well informed investment managers that Central Bank QE, which has largely been a euphemism for funding government deficits, would have to slow down and at some point cease...

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The atmosphere of economic gloom that surrounds western economists and journalists is beginning to feel like a comfort blanket. Those who have to take decisions today about future investment, particularly investments that may take a year or more to mature, have to be exceedingly cautious of current economic fashion...

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