ERC Lecture Series

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16/09/10: ERC Lectures: Patience Wheatcroft

Patience Wheatcroft, Editor-in-Chief of the Wall Street Journal Europe, speaks to the Economic Research Council on "What is the Future for Corporate Britain?" (16th September 2010)

Listen using the player above, or download this audio file here.


09/11/10: ERC Lectures: Jon Moulton and Jamie Constable

Jon Moulton, Better Capital, and Jamie Constable, rCapital, speak to the Economic Research Council on "Will there be a double-dip recession?" (9th November 2010)

Listen using the player above, or download this audio file here.


09/12/10: ERC Lectures: Panel Discussion

Lord Lamont, President of the ERC, John Peet, Europe Editor of the Economist, and John Stevens, former Conservative MEP, speak to the Economic Research Council on "The Future for Europe" (9th December2010)

Listen using the player above, or download this audio file here.